Toward an Embodied Pharmakological Path

06/10/2023, My synthetic analysis, take / projection of the current global noologic (related to the study of the mind or the way we think) situation. A standpoint. From a thread initially published on my Twitter account, so it is a very condensed expression. “It is an hypomnemata (a techniques of memory whose meaning Foucault analyzed …

Whence perceptual meaning? A cartography of current ideas – Varela F. J. (1991)

Varela F. J. (1991) Whence perceptual meaning? A cartography of current ideas. In: Varela F. J. & Dupuy J. P. (eds.) Understanding origins: Contemporary ideas on the origin of life, mind and society. Kluwer, Boston: 235–263. Available at (free inscription, excellent knowledge base about enaction and alternative approaches to cognition). Also published as a …

Exploring the Future of Rationality at the Age of ChatGPT

A conversation with ChatGPT4 about cognitive functionalism, mechanical thinking, the enactive paradigm and their systemic implications both on our world and on our common rationality. “We succeeded, and we failed, for exactly the same reason, namely our mode of rationality.” J. A. Wojciechowski. The deep civilizational roots of functionalism and mechanical thinking Me: “Explain the …